The Investment team

With 35 years of investing across all asset classes, we also benefit from the collective experience and insight of a team with multiple nationalities and backgrounds.

    • Led by Frédéric Leroux, members of the cross-asset team are experts in macroeconomics, sector rotation, and technical and quantitative analyses. They are focused on optimizing firm-wide decision making by supporting Carmignac Fund managers through proprietary research that may either reinforce or challenge their investment ideas. This in turn provides a fertile ground for idea generation and debate - the cornerstone of Carmignac approach.

    • Frédéric Leroux

      Head of Cross Asset, Fund Manager

      35 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2003

    • Christophe Moulin

      Deputy Head of Cross Asset, Fund Manager

    • Raphaël Gallardo

      Chief Economist

      27 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2018

    • Apolline Menut


      13 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2021

    • Led by Benoit Nansot, Investment Solution team members are experts in creating and managing tailor-made, one-stop shop solutions for our investors and distribution partners. The team acts as a central contact point between all Carmignac’s investment teams and clients. They engage with each client to understand and address their specific needs and provide creative solutions, capitalizing on Carmignac’s investment management skills as well as robust operational and regulatory controls.

    • Benoît Nansot

      Head of Investment Solutions, Investment Solutions Engineer

      24 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2017

    • Pierre-Edouard Bonenfant

      Fund Manager

      13 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2013

    • Jean-Marc Viguie

      Portfolio Manager

      25 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2019

    • Yassine Basraoui

      Fund Manager

      17 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2013

    • Guillaume Dal Bello

      Solutions Portfolio Manager

      13 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2019

    • Nicolas Pierre

      Solutions Portfolio Manager

      11 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2013

    • The Portfolio Advisors team participates in the Investment Committee as generalists with very strong experience in markets across all asset classes. They aim to contribute to the investment thinking primarily by providing insight into transversal market behaviours, and by acting as a sounding board for investment ideas submitted by specialists. As they do not directly manage funds, they are more available than portfolio managers to share externally relevant information about the investment strategies implemented in our funds.

    • Kevin Thozet

      Portfolio Advisor, Member of the Investment Committee

      17 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2019

    • Axelle Pinon

      Portfolio Advisor and Member of Investment Committee

      12 years’ experience, Joined Carmignac in 2012

    • Led by Lloyd McAllister, the Sustainable Investment team members offer expertise in implementing sustainability policies and procedures at a company level. They provide strategic direction and advice to the investment team with regards ESG research and stewardship, they represent the company’s work on public policy.

    • Lloyd McAllister

      Head of Sustainable Investment